Industrial Zone of Porto

Industrial Zone of Porto

1.Science and Technology Park of University of Porto (UPTEC)

The Science and Technology Park of University of Porto was established in 2007.

It is structured into 4 thematic areas – Technologies, Creative Industries, Biotechnologies and the Sea. Since the beginning of its activity, UPTEC has supported the development of more than 550 business projects, in areas as diverse as nanosciences, nanotechnologies, new materials and production, energy, health, biotechnology, information and communication technologies, among others.

In 2013, the University was awarded the European Prize RegioStars in the category “Smart Growth” for its exemplary performance.

Source: UPTEC

2. Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC)

Established in 1985, the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science is nowadays considered a reference Associate Laboratory in R&D and technology transfer, leader in Portugal.

With a markedly multidisciplinary character, it acts as an interface between the academic world and the business world of industry and services, in the fields of Information Technology, Telecommunications and Electronics.

With a total of 6 centres located in the North and with headquarters in Porto, the INESC TEC gathers more than 700 investigators, distributed over 13 R&D centres and one associated unit, with complementary competences, facing the international market.


3. Centre for Excellence and Innovation in the Automotive Industry (CEiiA)

The Centre for Excellence and Innovation in the Automotive Industry is a key player in the development and implementation of innovative products and intelligent systems for the aeronautics, mobility and offshore industries worldwide.

With over 200 engineers, CEiiA gathers the main portuguese associations, universities, R&D centres, public agencies and suppliers from the automotive and aeronautics industries.

With its headquarters in the Porto region, the innovation centre also operates in global markets, with a notable international presence – CEiiA has facilities in Brazil and engineering teams in several EU countries, namely in Switzerland, France, United Kingdom and Italy.

Source: CEiiA

4. Fraunhofer Portugal

Fraunhofer Portugal is a non-profit private association founded by Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the largest organization for research done in Europe.

Founded in 2008, it was the first Fraunhofer branch to open outside Germany.

In Portugal, the Fraunhofer operates the Research Center for Assistive Information and Communication Solutions (Fraunhofer AICOS) – a partnership between Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and University of Porto – dedicated to the areas of “Ambient Assisted Living” (AAL) and Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D).

Fraunhofer Portugal promotes and coordinates the cooperation amongst its research centers, other research institutions and industry partners, with the objective of undertaking applied research of direct utility for private and public enterprises, generating benefits for the society as a whole,

Source: Fraunhofer Portugal