Introduction to Mocuba
Introduction to Mocuba
The City is located at the central-northern most edge in the heart of Mocuba District, where the rivers Licungo and Lugela meet, about 150 Km northwest of Quelimane City.
Mocuba District is located at Zambezia Province’s central area, being endowed with a wide array of potential that contributes, now and in the future, to its economic and social growth. Agriculture represents the main source of income for most of the district’s inhabitants, having a galvanizing effect on the economy.
Main Economic Activities
Agriculture | Cassava, Maize, Sweet Potato, Rice, Beans, Sesame, Peanut and Vegetables |
Livestock | Bovine, goats, porcine, ovine, rabbits and poultry |
Flora | Zebrawood, Corocosse, Nampacala, Mucunapa, African Blackwood, African Teak, Pod Mahogany, Breonadia, Eucalyptus and Jacaranda |
Industry | There is an inactive Textile Factory, another one for ginning cotton, also inactive, a factory of fruit, ice, as well as bakery, carpentry, sawing and milling, hotels similar establishments. |
Commerce | About 543 established commercial facilities. |