Annex:Table of the First Batch of Items Covered in the Nationwide Reform of “Separation Business Licences and Permits”

Circular of the State Council on the Implementation of the Nationwide Reform of “Separation between Business Licences and Permit”

Annex:Table of the First Batch of Items Covered in the Nationwide Reform of “Separation Business Licences and Permits”
(106 Items)


(106 Items)

No. Item Implementing Institution Reformed Management Methods Measure
Exemption of Approval Replacing Approval with Record Filing Simplified approval procedure with notification guarantee Optimised Services for Market Access
1 因私出入境中介機構資格認定(境外就業除外)

Accreditation for agencies facilitating personal entry and exit (except for overseas employment)


Public security organ of provincial people’s government


1. Amend the relevant regulations such as the “Decision of the State Council on Retaining Approval Process for Administrative Approval Items”.
2. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and specify which parts can be exempted from monitoring during and after the registration.

2 國際船舶管理業務經營審批(外資)

Approval on operation of international vessel management business (foreign-funded)


Ministry of Transport


1. Amend the relevant regulations such as the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on International Ocean Shipping”.
2. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application.

3 首次進口非特殊用途化妝品行政許可

Administrative approval for first-time import of non-special purpose cosmetics


State Food and Drug Administration


1. Amend the relevant regulations such as the “Regulations concerning Hygiene Supervision over Cosmetics”.
2. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application.

4 電影放映單位設立審批

Approval on establishing film screening entities


Film administrative department of people’s government of counties or cities with subordinate districts


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the Film Screening Operation Permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.
2. Film screening activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.
3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the registration, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

5 設立外商投資電影院許可

Approval on establishing foreign-funded cinemas


Film administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the Film Screening Operation Permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted. 2. Film screening activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.
3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

6 設立從事包裝裝潢印刷品和其他印刷品印刷經營活動的企業審批(不含商標、票據、保密印刷)

Approval on establishing enterprises engaging in printed products for packaging, decoration and other purposes (not including the printing of trademarks, invoices and receipts, as well as confidential information)


Publication administrative department of people’s government of counties or cities with subordinate districts


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the Printing Operation Permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.
2. Cancel the market access requirement for the Printing Business Operation Permit “enterprises printing products for packaging and decoration must have at least two apparatuses produced within the last decade for offset, gravure, flexographic and screen printing and the subsequent processing”; and optimise the relevant management regulations.
3. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.
4. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

7 印刷業經營者兼營包裝裝潢和其他印刷品印刷經營活動審批(不含商標、票據、保密印刷)

Approval on printing operators concurrently engaging in printed matters for package, decoration and others (not including printing of trademarks, notes and confidential information)


Publication administrative department of people’s government of counties or cities with subordinate districts


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the Printing Operation Permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.
2. Cancel the market access requirement for the Printing Business Operation Permit “enterprises printing products for packaging and decoration must have at least two apparatuses produced within the last decade for offset, gravure, flexographic and screen printing and the subsequent processing”; and optimise the relevant management regulations.
3. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.
4. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

8 音像製作單位設立審批

Approval on establishing audio-visual production entities


Publication administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the Audio-visual Publication Permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.
2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.
3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

9 電子出版物製作單位設立審批

Approval on establishing digital publication production entities


Publication administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the Digital Publication Permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.
2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.
3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

10 音像製作單位、電子出版物製作單位變更名稱、業務範圍,或者兼幷、合幷、分立審批

Approval on changing name and business scope, merger, acquisition or division of audio-visual production entities and digital publication production entities


Publication administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the Audio-visual Publication Permit or the Digital Publication Permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.
2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.
3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

11 藥品廣告异地備案

Cross-region record filing of drug advertisement


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory authority) of provincial people’s government


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge complete the record filing on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted. 2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.
3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.
4. Establish a cross-regional information sharing mechanism for assessment of medicine advertisement, improve the integration and sharing of information and resources in regard to the approved medicine advertisement, and fully disclose the information for public monitoring.

12 醫療機構放射性藥品使用許可(一、二類)

Permit to use radiopharmaceuticals by medical institutions (Class I and II)


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory authority) of provincial people’s government


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.

2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.

3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

13 從事城市生活垃圾經營性清掃、收集、運輸、處理服務審批

Approval on running business of cleaning, collection, transport and disposal of municipal solid waste


Development (environmental health) administrative department of people’s government above the county-level


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.

2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.

3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

14 保安培訓許可證核發

Issuance of operation permits on security training


Public security organ of provincial people’s government


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.

2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.

3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

15 旅館業特種行業許可證核發

Issuance of operation permits of hotel industry and other special industries


Public security organ of local people’s government above the county-level


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.

3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.

16 道路運輸站(場)經營許可證核發

Issuance of operation permits for road transport stations


Road transport administrative department of county-level people’s government


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.

2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.

3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

17 公共場所衛生許可

Hygiene permits for public places


Health administrative department of people’s government above county level


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.

2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.

3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

18 假肢和矯形器(輔助器具)生産裝配企業資格認定

Accreditation for enterprises to produce and assemble artificial limbs and orthotics (assistive devices)


Municipal affairs department of provincial people’s government


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.

2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.

3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

19 人民防空工程設計乙級以下資質審批

Approval on qualification of designing civil air defence projects below Grade II


Provincial civil air defence office


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.

2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.

3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, perform comprehensive inspections regularly within two months after the issuance of the operating permit by the competent department. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

20 乙級人民防空工程監理資質審批

Approval on qualification of supervising Grade II civil air defence projects


Provincial civil air defence office


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.

2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.

3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, perform comprehensive inspections regularly within two months after the issuance of the operating permit by the competent department. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

21 丙級人民防空工程監理資質審批

Approval on qualification of supervising Grade III civil air defence projects


Provincial civil air defence office


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.

2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.

3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, perform comprehensive inspections regularly within two months after the issuance of the operating permit by the competent department. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

22 食品相關産品生産許可證核發

Issuance of operation permits for production of food-related products


Quality and technical supervision department (market regulatory department) of provincial people’s government


1. Issue an official notification and provide the applicants a sample informing about all the approval conditions and required materials, pledge to issue on the permit on the spot if all requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted.

2. Relevant business activities are not allowed before the applicant meets the statutory conditions.

3. Strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application, and perform comprehensive inspections regularly. If anything is found to be inconsistent with the applicant’s pledge, the approval will be revoked and heavy punishment will be imposed as stipulated by law.

23 外商投資旅行社業務經營許可

Operation permit for foreign-invested travel agencies


Tourism administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence, avoid requiring materials such as official reply regarding the incorporation of foreign-invested enterprises.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

24 旅行社業務經營許可

Travel agencies operation permit


Tourism administrative department of provincial people’s government or entrusted tourism administrative department of the people’s government of cities with subordinate districts


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

25 國內水路運輸業務經營許可

Domestic waterway transport operation permit


Ministry of Transport or waterway transport administrative department of the people’s government above city (with subordinate districts) level


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

26 港口經營許可

Port operation permit


Transport (port) administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application review status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

27 機動車駕駛員培訓業務許可證核發

Issuance of operation permits for motor vehicle driver training


Road transport administrative department of county-level people’s government


1. Promote online application.

2. Shorten the approval process by one fourth of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

28 道路客運經營許可證核發

Issuance of operation permits for road passenger transport


Road transport administrative department of county-level people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence, cancel the requirement of materials such as company’s articles of association.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

29 道路貨運經營許可證核發

Issuance of operation permits for road freight


Road transport administrative department of county-level people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one fourth of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence, cancel the requirement of materials such as company’s articles of association.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

30 中外合資經營、中外合作經營演出經紀機構設立審批

Approval on establishing Sino-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures engaging in performance brokerage


Ministry of Culture and Tourism


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

31 港、澳投資者在內地投資設立合資、合作、獨資經營的演出經紀機構審批

Approval on the establishment of equity or contractual joint ventures or sole proprietorship businesses engaging in performance brokerage on the mainland by investors from Hong Kong or Macao


Cultural administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

32 台灣地區投資者在內地投資設立合資、合作經營的演出經紀機構審批

Approval on the establishment of equity or contractual joint ventures engaging in performance brokerage on the mainland by investors from Taiwan


Cultural administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

33 港、澳服務提供者在內地設立互聯網上網服務營業場所審批

Approval on opening Internet service establishments on the mainland by service providers from Hong Kong and Macao


Cultural administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

34 拍賣業務許可

Operationg permit for auction business


Commercial administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the duration of the approval process.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence, cancel the requirement of materials such as ownership document, lease contract of the permanent commercial establishment, or the lessor’s ownership document.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

35 拍賣企業經營文物拍賣許可

Operation permit for auction companies to auction cultural relics


Cultural relics administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence, cancel the requirement of materials in regard to the facilities of the establishment and its technical conditions.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

36 歌舞娛樂場所設立審批

Approval on establishing singing and dancing entertainment venues


Cultural administrative department of county-level or provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application review status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

37 遊藝娛樂場所設立審批

Approval on opening game-related entertainment establishments


Cultural administrative department of county-level or provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.
2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.
3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.
4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.
5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

38 口岸衛生許可證核發

Issuance of port hygiene business permits


Competent customs


1. Promote online application service.
2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.
3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence, certificate of right of use of establishment.
4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.
5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

39 進出口商品檢驗鑒定業務的檢驗許可

Operation permit for imports and exports inspection and certification


General Administration of Customs


1. Promote online application service.
2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.
3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, documents of ownership or usufruct of the business establishment.
4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.
5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

40 會計師事務所及分支機構設立審批

Approval on establishing accounting firms and branches


Financial department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.
2. Shorten the duration of the approval process.
3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, written partnership agreement or articles of association of the accounting firm, documents of ownership or usufruct of the business establishment.
4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.
5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

41 中介機構從事會計代理記帳業務審批

Approval for agencies to engage in bookkeeping and accounting services


Financial department of people’s government above county level


1. Promote online application service.
2. Shorten the approval process from a statutory duration from 20 workdays to 15 workdays.
3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.
4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.
5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

42 設立飼料、飼料添加劑生産企業審批

Approval on establishing enterprises manufacturing feedstuff and feed additives


Feedstuff administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.
2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.
3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence, cancel the requirement of materials such as enterprise’s organisational chart, list of labour contracts of the major persons in-charge and employees with special functions, management system, and graduation certificates of the major persons in-charge or certificates indicating their positions.
4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.
5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

43 營利性醫療機構設置審批(含港澳台資,不含外商獨資)

Approval on establishing for-profit medical institutions (including those funded by Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investors, and excluding wholly foreign-funded enterprises)


Health administrative department of people’s government above county level


1. Promote online application service.
2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.
3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.
4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.
5. Allow profit-making medical institutions to perform business activities related to healthcare, such as medicines and medical devices, whereas areas for medical services and other business activities should be separated.
6. Gradually allow investors to decide the number of beds in privately-owned profit-making medical institutions.
7. Facilitate electronic registration management; improve department registration for profit-making medical institutions; provide free online registration services; encourage the society’s investment in the medical field.
8. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

44 消毒産品生産企業衛生許可(一次性使用醫療用品的生産企業除外)

Hygiene permits for disinfection products manufacturers (excluding enterprises producing disposable medical supplies)


Health administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.
2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.
3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and factory field inspection report.
4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.
5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

45 從事測繪活動單位資質許可

Accreditation for entities engaging in surveying and mapping


Ministry of Natural Resources or administrative department for geological information surveying and mapping of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one fourth of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

46 燃氣經營許可證核發

Issuance of operation permits for gas suppliers


Gas administrative department of local people’s government above county level


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence, cancel the requirement of materials such as the identity documents of the legal representatives, the enterprise’s persons in-charge and/or safety representatives.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments; the handling department will store all documents related to the approval procedure in a centralised approach, establish a project database, forward the said documents to the departments concerned; and strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application.

47 經營高危險性體育項目許可

Operation permit for high-risk sports


Sport administrative department of local people’s government above county level


1. Promote online application service .

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the applicants’ identity documents.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

48 糧食收購資格認定

Accreditation for grain procurement


Grain administrative department of people’s government at the same level as industrial and commercial registration department


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the duration of the approval process (the duration should be determined by local departments based on actual situation).

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the legal representatives’ identity documents.

4. Decentralise the approval authority to the grain administrative departments of the people’s government that are at the same level as the industrial and commercial registration departments.

5. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

6. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

49 保安服務許可證核發

Issuance of operation permits on security services


Public security organ of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, legal representatives’ and major management staff’s certificates of no criminal conviction, and prior approval notification for the name of the businesses.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

50 從事出版物批發業務許可

Operation permit for publication wholesale


Publication administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, articles of association, certificate regarding the condition and usufruct of the business establishment, and identity documents of the legal representatives and major persons in-charge.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

51 設立中外合資、合作印刷企業和外商獨資包裝裝潢印刷企業審批

Approval on establishing Sino-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures engaging in printing business or wholly-foreign-funded enterprises engaging in printing products for packaging and decoration


Press and publishing administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, approval certificates for foreign-invested enterprises, Certificate of Hong Kong Service Supplier issued by the Trade and Industry Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government or Macao Service Supplier Certificate issued by the Macao SAR Government, legal representatives’ identity documents, investors’ registration certificates and approval notification letter for the name of the businesses.

4. Cancel the market access requirement for the Printing Business Operation Permit “enterprises printing products for packaging and decoration must have at least two apparatuses produced within the last decade for offset, gravure, flexographic and screen printing and the subsequent processing”; and optimise the relevant management regulations.

5. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application review status.

6. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

52 融資性擔保機構設立、變更審批

Approval on establishing and modifying financing guarantee institutions


Department authorised by the provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the prior approval notification for the name of the businesses.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, facilitate the integration of evaluation reports from government’s monitoring, market supervision, industry’s self-regulation, and social intermediary organisations, and strengthen the monitoring efforts during and after the application.

53 保險公司變更名稱、變更注册資本、變更公司或者分支機構的營業場所、撤銷分支機構、公司分立或者合幷、修改公司章程、變更出資額占有限責任公司資本總額百分之五以上的股東,或者變更持有股份有限公司股份百分之五以上的股東及保險公司終止(解散、破産)審批

Approval for insurance companies to modify the name, registered capital, place of business of the head office or branches, deregister branches, divide or merge the company, amend the articles of association, change the shareholders contributing to more than 5% of the company’s registered capital, or change the shareholders holding more than 5% of the company’s shares, and insurance company’s termination (dissolution and bankruptcy)


China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the duration of the approval process.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

54 石油成品油批發經營資格審批(初審)

(Preliminary) approval of qualification for petroleum products wholesale


Commercial administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, legal representatives’ identity documents and employment certificates.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application review status.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

55 石油成品油零售經營資格審批

Approval of qualification for petroleum products retail


Commercial administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, legal representatives’ identity documents and employment certificates.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

56 電影發行單位設立、變更業務範圍或者兼幷、合幷、分立審批

Approval on the establishment, change of business scope, acquisition, merger or division of film distribution entities


China Film Administration or film administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence, cancel the requirement of materials such as the articles of association, certificates regarding the usufruct of the commercial establishment (i.e. lease contracts or property ownership certificates), and legal representatives’ identity documents.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

57 設立經營性互聯網文化單位審批

Approval on establishing commercial Internet cultural entities


Cultural administrative department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

58 設立廣播電視視頻點播業務(乙種)許可

Operation Permit for the video-on-demand business of radio and television

(Type II)


Radio and television administrative department of people’s government above county level


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, articles of association, legal representatives’ identity documents, and property ownership documents of the business establishment or documents regarding the lease of the establishment.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

59 化妝品生産許可

Operation permit for cosmetics production


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, and legal representatives’ identity documents.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

60 食品(含食品添加劑)生産許可(保健食品、特殊醫學用途配方食品、嬰幼兒配方食品除外)

Operation permit for food (including food additives) production (excluding health supplements, formula for special medical purposes, and infant formula)


Food and drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of people’s government above county level


1. Promote online application.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, and the approval certificates or record filing certificates for food product registration.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

61 食品生産許可(保健食品、特殊醫學用途配方食品、嬰幼兒配方食品)

Operation permit for food production (health supplements, formula for special medical purposes, and infant formula)


Food regulatory department (market regulatory department) of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the approval certificates or record filing certificates for food product registration.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

62 食品銷售許可、餐飲服務許可(已合幷爲食品經營許可)

Operation permit for the sale of food and catering services (already combined into the operation permit for food business)


Food and drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of local people’s government above county level


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

63 互聯網藥品信息服務企業審批

Approval on enterprises providing drug information services online


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

64 醫療器械廣告審查

Assessment of medical device advertisement


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

65 開辦藥品生産企業審批

Approval on establishing drug manufacturing companies


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration (field inspections are excluded in the calculation of the duration of process).

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge and quality control personnel.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Combine all related field inspections required for the operation permit and approval for drug manufacturing, in order to enhance the efficiency of the approval process.

6. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

66 開辦藥品經營企業審批(批發、零售連鎖總部)

Approval on establishing drug businesses (wholesale and headquarters of retail chain)


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

67 第二類醫療器械産品注册

Registration of Class II medical devices


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of provincial people’s government








1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Prioritise the assessment of medical devices that feature a patent on its core technology and bear significant clinical value, and Class II medical devices for diagnosing and treating frequently re-occurring diseases from which children or elderly mostly are suffered; provide technical services and expert consultation services before accepting the application; intervene with guidance in advance, and provide follow-up services throughout the entire process to reduce risks and uncertainties in the course of market access.

4. Expedite the assessment process, simultaneously initiate the quality management system accreditation, improve the field inspections regarding the quality management system and the assessment for operation permits for manufacturing.

5. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge; Simplify the clinical assessment of medical devices whose models have been registered; expand the range of medical devices that can be exempted from field inspections in the course of quality management system accreditation, or streamline the checklist and process of field inspections; expand the range of medical devices whose assessment process (including the checklist and field inspection) for manufacturing operation permits can be streamlined.

6. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

7. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

68 第二、三類醫療器械生産許可證核發

Issuance of operation permits for the production of Class II and III medical devices


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

69 開辦藥品零售企業審批

Approval on establishing drug retail companies


Drug regulatory institution of people’s government of cities with subordinate districts, or county-level drug regulatory institution (market regulatory department) directly set up by drug regulatory department of provincial people’s government

1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

70 第三類醫療器械經營許可

Operation permit for Class III medical devices


Food and drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of people’s government of cities with subordinate districts


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

71 醫療機構放射性藥品使用許可(三、四類)

Permit for the use of radiopharmaceuticals by medical institutions (Class III and IV)


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application review status.

3. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

72 新藥生産和上市許可

Permit for the production and sale of new drugs


National Medical Products Administration


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

73 特種設備生産單位許可

Operation permit for special equipment manufacturers


State Administration for Market Regulation or safety regulatory department (market regulatory department) for special equipment of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the duration of the approval process.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

74 特種設備檢驗檢測機構核准

Approval for special equipment inspection and testing institutions


State Administration for Market Regulation or safety regulatory department (market regulatory department) for special equipment of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the duration of the approval process.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

75 農作物種子、食用菌菌種生産經營許可證核發

Issuance of operation permits for producing crop seeds and edible fungi


Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, or competent agricultural authorities of provincial or county-level people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials, study the feasibility of sorting out or reducing the items that require certification, and facilitate the implementation of online collection and verification of materials for operation permit applications.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

76 爆破作業單位許可證核發

Issuance of operation permits for entities engaging in blasting operations


Public security organs of people’s government of provinces or cities with subordinate districts


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like qualification certificates for practitioners in the blasting sector issued by the security authorities of local administrative division.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

77 製造、銷售弩或營業性射擊場開設弩射項目審批

Approval on manufacturing and sale of crossbows and crossbow shooting sessions in commercial shooting ranges


Public security organs of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

78 直銷企業及其分支機構的設立和變更審批

Approval on the incorporation and modification of direct-selling enterprises and their branches


Ministry of Commerce


1. Implement applicant-friendly measures such as enabling online collection and verification of the business licence.

2. Enhance information transparency, publish the approval requirements, application materials and procedures.

3. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

79 烟花爆竹批發許可

Operation permit for fireworks and crackers wholesale


Regulatory department on safe production of people’s government of cities with subordinate districts


1. Promote online application service.

2. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

80 烟花爆竹零售許可

Operation permit for fireworks and crackers retail


Regulatory department on safe production of county-level people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Simplify the list of required application materials.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

81 危險化學品經營許可證核發

Issuance of operation permits for hazardous chemical business


Regulatory department on safe production of people’s government of counties or cities with subordinate districts


1. Promote online application service.

2. Simplify the list of required application materials.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

82 危險化學品生産企業安全生産許可證核發

Issuance of safe production permits for hazardous chemical manufacturers


Ministry of Emergency Management or regulatory department on safe production of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Simplify the list of required application materials.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

83 危險化學品安全使用許可證核發

Issuance of permits for the safe use of hazardous chemicals


Regulatory department on safe production of people’s government of cities with subordinate districts


1. Promote online application service.

2. Simplify the list of required application materials.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

84 新建、改建、擴建生産、儲存危險化學品(包括使用長輸管道輸送危險化學品)建設項目安全條件審查

Assessment of safety conditions of new, modification, expansion of hazardous chemicals production and storage construction projects (including long-distance pipelines for the transport of hazardous chemicals)


Ministry of Emergency Management or regulatory department on safe production of people’s government above city (with subordinate districts) levels


1. Promote online application service.

2. Simplify the list of required application materials.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

85 道路危險貨物運輸經營許可

Operation permit for road transport of dangerous cargo


Road transport administrative department of people’s government of cities with subordinate districts


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, articles of association, and identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

86 戶外廣告設施設置審批

Approval on installing outdoor advertisement facilities


Administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation of the local people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the identity documents of legal representatives.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

87 民用爆炸物品銷售許可

Operation permit for the sale of civil explosives


Competent department of civil explosive industry of the provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

88 民用爆炸物品生産許可

Operation permit for the manufacturing of civil explosives


Ministry of Industry and Information Technology


1. Promote online application service.

2. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

89 醫療機構執業登記

Licence to practice for medical institutions


Health administrative department of people’s government above county level








1. Promote online application service; facilitate electronic registration management; improve department registration for profit-making medical institutions; provide free online registration services; encourage the society’s investment in the medical field.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, approval letter or record filing receipt for establishment of medical institutions issued by the health and technology administrative authorities of the local administrative division, and the qualification certificates and licence to practice of each department’s persons in-charge (department heads) of the institutions, and identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge.

4. Allow profit-making medical institutions to perform business activities related to healthcare, such as medicines and medical devices, whereas areas for medical services and other business activities should be separated.

5. Gradually allow investors to decide on the number of beds in privately-owned profit-making medical institutions.

6. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

7. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

90 醫師執業注册

Licence to practice for medical practitioners


Health administrative department of people’s government above county level


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like qualification certificates of medical practitioners.

4. Allow medical practitioners who work in medical institutions below the county level to apply for up to three disciplines in the same category in their registration for professional practice; study the launch of the registration system for specialists in tertiary hospitals.

5. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

6. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

91 涉外調查機構資格認定

Accreditation for foreign-related investigation institutions


State Statistics Bureau or statistical department of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, and cancel the requirements of foreign language proficiency certificates and certificates for the organisation’s capability of managing foreign-related investigations as required in the qualification assessment for foreign-related investigation organisations.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

92 國際海上運輸業務及海運輔助業務經營審批(國際船舶運輸業務)

Approval on international maritime transport business and auxiliary maritime transport services (international vessel transport business)


Ministry of Transport


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials when online collection and verification of materials such as the business licence is available.

4. Lower the market access threshold for vessels owned by international vessel transport enterprises; allow enterprises with international vessel transport approval to legally sell their vessels to financial leasing companies approved by relevant departments of the country, and to regard the vessels as their properties after leasing them back from the companies by means of financial leasing.

5. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

6. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

93 從事大陸與台灣間海上運輸業務許可

Operation permit for maritime transport business between Mainland China and Taiwan


Ministry of Transport


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials when online collection and verification of materials such as the business licence is available.

4. Lower the market access threshold for vessels owned by enterprises operating maritime transport between Mainland China and Taiwan; allow enterprises with approval on maritime transport business between Mainland China and Taiwan to sell their vessels to financial leasing companies funded by and registered in Mainland China and Taiwan, and to regard the vessels as their properties after leasing them back from the companies by means of financial leasing.

5. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

6. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

94 從事內地與港澳間海上運輸業務許可

Operation permit for maritime transport business between Mainland China and the Hong Kong and Macao SARs


Ministry of Transport


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials when online collection and verification of materials such as the business licence is available.

4. Lower the market access threshold for vessels owned by enterprises operating maritime transport between Mainland China and the Hong Kong and Macao SARs; allow enterprises with approval on maritime transport business between the Mainland and the two SARs to legally sell their vessels to financial leasing companies approved by relevant departments of the country, and to regard the vessels as their properties after leasing them back from the companies by means of financial leasing.

5. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

6. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

95 國産藥品再注册審批

Approval on the re-registration of domestically-produced drugs


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

3. Combine the related filed inspections required for the operation permit application approval for drug manufacturing, in order to enhance the efficiency of the approval process.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

96 藥品委托生産審批

Approval on outsourced pharmaceutical manufacturing


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of provincial people’s government


1. Promote online application service.

2. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application review status.

4. Combine the related filed inspections required for the operation permit application approval for drug manufacturing, in order to enhance the efficiency of the approval process.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

97 重要工業産品生産許可證

Operation permit for the manufacturing of important industrial products


State Administration for Market Regulation or quality and technology regulatory department (market regulatory department) of provincial people’s department





5.取消發證機關組織的發證前産品檢驗,調整爲企業自行委托有資質的檢驗機構進行産品檢驗,幷在申請時提交産品檢驗報告,檢驗報告可以爲簽發日期在1年以內, 同産品單元的産品型式試驗報告、産品質量檢驗合格報告或接受政府監督檢驗的報告。




1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence.

4. Improve the approval process for manufacturing operation permits by cancelling the procedures that are not related to the mandatory product quality and safety requirements and industrial policies; only examine subjects that are related to product quality and safety.

5. Replace the pre-approval requirement of product inspections run by permit-issuing organisations with the ones done by qualified entities appointed by the enterprises. Enterprises are required to hand in the inspection report when submitting the application. The inspection report should be composed within one year. It can be about the trial or quality testing of products of the same category or a report of the inspections supervised by the government.

6. Cancel the mendatory annual approval process for enterprises that have been granted with the manufacturing operation permit, and explore the feasibility of implementing the credit-based supervision system.

7. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

8. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

98 設立從事包裝裝潢印刷品和其他印刷品印刷經營活動的企業審批(僅指商標、票據、保密印刷)

Approval on establishing enterprises engaging in printed products for package, decoration and other purposes (limited to the printing of trademarks, notes and confidential information)


Publication administrative department of people’s government of cities with subordinate districts


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence; Cancel the market access requirement for the Printing Business Operation Permit “enterprises printing products for packaging and decoration must have at least two apparatuses produced within the last decade for offset, gravure, flexographic and screen printing and the subsequent processing”; and optimise the relevant management regulations.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

99 印刷業經營者兼幷其他印刷業經營者(不含出版物印刷企業)審批

Approval on merger of printing operators (excluding publication printing enterprises)


Publication administrative department of people’s government of cities with subordinate districts


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of business licence. Cancel the market access requirement for the Printing Business Operation Permit “enterprises printing products for packaging and decoration must have at least two apparatuses produced within the last decade for offset, gravure, flexographic and screen printing and the subsequent processing”; and optimise the relevant management regulations.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

100 印刷業經營者因合幷、分立而設立新的印刷業經營者(不含出版物印刷企業)審批

Approval on establishing a new printing house (excluding publication printing enterprises) by printing operators due to merger or division


Publication administrative department of people’s government of cities with subordinate districts


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, usufruct certificates of the business establishment, identity documents of legal representatives and articles of association; cancel the market access requirement for the Printing Business Operation Permit “enterprises printing products for packaging and decoration must have at least two apparatuses produced within the last decade for offset, gravure, flexographic and screen printing and the subsequent processing”; and optimise the relevant management regulations.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

101 印刷業經營者兼營包裝裝潢和其他印刷品印刷經營活動審批(僅指商標、票據、保密印刷)

Approval for printing operators producing printed products for package, decoration and other purposes (only limited to printing of trademarks, notes and confidential information)


Publication administrative department of people’s government of cities with subordinate districts


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, usufruct certificates of the business establishment, identity documents of legal representatives and articles of association; cancel the market access requirement for the Printing Business Operation Permit “enterprises printing products for packaging and decoration must have at least two apparatuses produced within the last decade for offset, gravure, flexographic and screen printing and the subsequent processing”; and optimise the relevant management regulations.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

102 動物防疫條件合格證核發

Issuance of Animal Epidemic Disease Prevention Certificate


Veterinarian administrative department of people’s government above county level


1. Promote online application service.

2. Shorten the approval process by one third of the statutory duration.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and legal representatives’ identity documents; allow applicants apply for the Animal Epidemic Disease Prevention Certificate as an specialised co-operative joined by practitioners from the livestock and poultry husbandry sector; issue the certificates to the specialised co-operatives within the same county that fulfil the epidemic prevention requirements for all animals under the same category.

4. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application review status.

5. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

103 建設港口設施使用非深水岸綫審批(含港口岸綫臨時使用審批,改變港口岸綫使用人、使用功能和使用範圍審批)

Approval on the construction of port facilities and the use of non-deep water shorelines (including approval on temporary use of port shorelines, change of the port shoreline user, function and scope of port shoreline usage)


Port administrative department above county level


1. Promote online application service; implement integrated approval in co-operation with departments of land resources, planning, maritime affairs, water resources, and waterway management.

2. Shorten the duration of the approval process.

3. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, legal representatives’ identity documents, and articles of association.

4. Strengthen the approval on shoreline usage and reform the withdrawal mechanism of shorelines. Strictly assess the approval on shoreline usage according to the approved port planning, strengthen routine supervision and management, and clarify the compensation methods and criteria for the confisacation of port facilities caused by adjustment of shoreline planning and other reasons. After the users factually lose their usufruct of the shorelines, the administrative departments may actively nullify their right to use the shorelines and publicise the decision in official announcements.

5. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

6. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

104 藥品進口備案

Record filing for drug importation


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of the region of the port


1. Promote online application service.

2. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence, registration certificates or approval documents of the imported drug issued by drug regulatory departments of the local administrative division, the latest inspection reports and customs clearance documents of the imported drug issued by drug inspection entities of the local administrative division.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

105 進口藥材登記備案

Registration and record filing for herbal medicine importation


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of the region of the port


1. Promote online application service.

2. Simplify the list of required application materials; allow online collection and verification of materials like business licence and the identity documents of legal representatives or persons in-charge.

3. Disclose publicly the approval procedures, requirements, assessment criteria and the application status.

4. Enhance information sharing among different departments, and strengthen the monitoring during and after the application.

106 小餐飲、小食雜、食品小作坊的經營許可

Operation permit for small eateries, snack stands, and food workshops


Drug regulatory department (market regulatory department) of county-level people’s government


With the aim of making the policies as convenient as possible for the public and conducive to their employment, local authorities may decide their own ways of reform, with adherence to the principle of ensuring safety and health.
